Digital Adoption Initiative

Miami Dade College has partnered with Comcast to provide a digital literacy program for community-based organizations and their constituents. The training is provided at no cost to community-based organizations (CBO) or participants and is an opportunity to help overcome barriers and bridge the digital divide. The program will address gaps in most digital equity strategies by providing CBO’s with in-service train-the-trainer instruction or digital navigators to teach concepts.

Collaborating with trusted Community-Based Organizations, Digital Navigators and trainers will help community residents learn to access critical online services for food, rent, education, employment, childcare, government benefits, etc. They will recommend resources to expand the individual’s digital competency, understanding of digital equity, and follow up with clients to monitor success with connectivity and digital navigation.

This program is for Miami Dade County communities with low digital adoption rates and locations should be spaces frequented by residents within the communities, including libraries, community centers, churches, community-based and social service organizations.

Comcast logo
Group of young adults having a computer training

In-Service Training (Train the Trainer)

In-service training, provided by Miami Dade College (MDC), will provide organizations with the tools to empower their constituents with digital literacy. Our trainers will provide the organization’s staff on how to deliver the digital literacy curriculum and utilize supporting resources. Interested organizations can request in-service trainers by clicking on the link below.

Dates and times for on-line or in-person training will be determined based on organizational needs and instructor availability.

Community-Based Organizations can register for the in-service train-the-trainer workshops by completing this form. Applications are due by August 20th.

Two women interacting with a tablet device

Digital Navigators

MDC students will be trained as Digital Navigators to facilitate the digital adoption processes. Navigators with proficiency in English, Spanish and/or Creole will be engaged to bridge language barriers. Navigators are MDC college student volunteers who received training from the college’s Continuing Education department and have earned a Digital Navigator Badge. The digital navigator will assess community members’ needs and help guide them towards Affordable Connectivity Programs (ACP). These include online resources, such as online classes or self-guided tutorials and resources for their skill level and lifestyle.

To request a Digital Navigator for your community please complete the form in the following link:

MDC School of Continuing Education logo

Lourianne Apollon

E: | P: (305) 237-3598
School of Continuing Education and Professional Development at Wolfson Campus.
300 NE 2nd Ave, Room 1158. Miami, FL 33132.

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