The word HELLO in different languages

Learn a foreign language in our stress-free classes. It is enjoyable and easy, and you will begin speaking on the first day of class. Our instructors emphasize communicative skills, along with grammar and knowledge of the culture. Enroll now to acquire the knowledge and confidence you will need to interact with people in other countries.


0001 - Spanish Conversation - Beginners 28hrs (Wolfson Campus)
0029 - Corso di Cultura Italiana (Kendall Campus)
0031 - Intensive French - Level 1 (Kendall Campus)
0032 - Intensive French - Level 2 (Kendall Campus)
0035 - Intensive Italian - Level 1 (Kendall Campus)
0037 - Intensive Italian - Level 2 (Kendall Campus)
0040 - Intensive Portuguese - Level 1 (Kendall Campus)
0041 - Intensive Portuguese - Level 2 (Kendall Campus)
0042 - Spanish - Level 1 (Kendall Campus)
0043 - Intensive Spanish - Level 1 (Kendall Campus)
0044 - Spanish - Level 2 (Kendall Campus)
0045 - Intensive Spanish - Level 2 (Kendall Campus)
0047 - Intensive Spanish - Level 3 (Kendall Campus)
0272 - French - Level 1 (Wolfson Campus)
0273 - Intensive French - Level 1 (Wolfson Campus)
0274 - French - Level 2 (Wolfson Campus)
0275 - Intensive French - Level 2 (Wolfson Campus)
0276 - French - Level 3 (Wolfson Campus)
0277 - Intensive French - Level 3 (Wolfson Campus)
0278 - German - Level 1 (Wolfson Campus)
0279 - German - Level 2 (Wolfson Campus)
0280 - Italian - Level 1 (Wolfson Campus)
0281 - Italian - Level 2 (Wolfson Campus)
0282 - Portuguese - Level 1 (Wolfson Campus)
0283 - Portuguese - Level 2 (Wolfson Campus)
0284 - Spanish - Level 1 (Wolfson Campus)
0285 - Intensive Spanish - Level 1 (Wolfson Campus)
0286 - Spanish - Level 2 (Wolfson Campus)
0287 - Intensive Spanish - Level 2 (Wolfson Campus)
0288 - Spanish - Level 3 (Wolfson Campus)
0289 - Intensive Spanish - Level 3 (Wolfson Campus)
0436 - Intensive French Conversation (North Campus)
0437 - Spanish Conversation - Beginners 28hrs (North Campus)
0438 - Spanish Conversation - Beginners (North Campus)
0439 - Spanish Conversation - Intermediate 28hrs (North Campus)
0440 - Spanish Conversation - Intermediate (North Campus)
0441 - Spanish Conversation - Advanced 28hrs (North Campus)
0676 - Spanish - Level 1 (Homestead Campus)
0998 - Spanish - Level 4 (Wolfson Campus)
1121 - Portuguese - Level 3 (Wolfson Campus)
1122 - Portuguese - Level 4 (Wolfson Campus)
1124 - Spanish - Level 5 (Wolfson Campus)
1213 - Spanish Conversation - Intermediate 28hrs (Wolfson Campus)
1214 - Spanish Conversation - Advanced 28hrs (Wolfson Campus)
1215 - Spanish Conversation - Beginners (Wolfson Campus)
1216 - Spanish Conversation - Intermediate (Wolfson Campus)
1326 - Intensive French Conversation (Wolfson Campus)
1354 - Intensive Italian - Level 1 (West Campus)
1355 - Intensive Portuguese - Level 1 (West Campus)
1388 - Intensive Spanish - Level 1 (North Campus)
1389 - German Level 3 (Wolfson Campus)
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